Romance Scammer
In the first instance you should go here and read our advice page. It is just our general guidance to help you
Fast and furious, and we are bit short of information on so we get that down and also their pictures if we can. We don’t want them to miss out on our treats. We are nice like that. Hopefully life is a little harder for them and it will help save you wasting money sending it to Nigeria/Ghana/Senegal/Côte d’Ivoire/Benin/Togo etc. You have to remember if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and looks like a duck then there is a better than evens chance it IS a duck
Romance Scam
Advance Fee Fraud
Loan Scam
David Brown
James Powel (Powell)
Phone number: +1 (720) 538-3982
WU/MG Money Transfer to:
Reciver Name: Diane Singleton, (the money launderer)
Recivers Adress:
13076 Wardline Rd Hammond, Louisiana, USA
Amount: 750 USD
David B
Tagline: I’m looking for a soul-mate
Member Since: February 14, 2018
Gender: Male
Location: Brainerd, MN
Age: 52
Relationship Status: Widowed
Languages: English, Deutsch
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White
Religion: Catholic
Orientation: Straight
Google Hangout:
David Brown:
Hello dear
What are you doing now?
Tell me dear,how long have you been on tagged?
And you’ve seen what you are looking for here
Well,i’m just new in this online dating and the reason why i am here dear,is to look for someone here in your country to spend the rest of my life with forever..Because i know that i’m relocating back here..
My late wife was from usa and she was a good woman..And ever since she past away,i have being working and raising my son and taking care of mom as the same time..
My son is in the USA,it was because of school i didn’t bring him here..
i’m bringing him here when i’m relocating
i’m structural engineer and my work take me round the world..Because i’m independent contractor and i get contracts from Human Resource
I have a Nanny that take care of my in the US..
i’m going to get someone here when i finally relocated here..Or i plan on open my own company here
I don’t go to bars to meet women, but do enjoy going out now and then. I consider myself sensitive to the needs of my partner and her emotions, a good communicator. I like to call my woman in the middle of the day just to tell her that she is on my mind. Giving a small gift or flowers for no reason other then that she is special to me. I enjoy kissing that special someone, cuddling with that special someone is the best way to show you care and need her close, I enjoy public affection, flirting should always be a big part of a relationship, spiritual but not religious.
i want not stay the rest of my life alone
I enjoy most physical activities, walking, and some working out. Also enjoy playing pool, shooting darts and trying new things. I do enjoy reading a book or magazine when the mood strikes me. I enjoy listening to R&B, oldies and smooth jazz and some classic.
What keeps me interested? A sense of humor, intelligence, respects for you a hers, basic compassion, curiosity, a sense of peace with yourself an ability to express your thoughts and feelings, affectionate behavior, and spontaneity. I would love to find that right lady that can enjoy being at home and cuddling as much as wanting to go out for the evening. I enjoy two in the kitchen instead of one. You understand that a lasting relationship has to be worked at. (Or consider it a labor of love) A lady that can be sassy, classy, witty, funny (sometimes goofy), playful (Intimately as well as everyday playing), kind, compassionate, empathic, a loyal friend and lover
I’m so sorry that i have not being able to talk to you (name removed),it not that i’m not interested in you dear…I have an emergency that i had to go to the US and take care off babe..I really missed talking to you babe
My son had an accident and i had to travel back to the US babe
babe,i’m sorry i couldn’t talk to you babe
Honey his getting better dear..He broke is right leg babe
David Brown:
How have you being babe?I have been missing you so much babe
Honey i am so sorry babe,i have being with my son at the hospital and i didn’t go long with my phone charger babe..So i was having battery low babe..I missed you so much babe
Because i need to verify something babe..
I need you to trust on this babe..
trust must grow and that can grow when we meet each other face to face
Okay babe..I believe that time will tell my dear..
I believe that one of the most important ‘keys’ to a successful relationship would have to be ‘trust’. I believe that with trust, love will follow. However, what I have noticed is that many people think trust, or expect that trust is to be earned by the other person, when in all actuality it is something that comes from within yourself. All too many times people will say they don’t trust due to past experiences. What they don’t realize is that they have built up those proverbial walls to protect them from the very thing they are searching for… yes, there is a risk in trusting someone, but when you finally find that ‘right’ person, it makes all the past experiences and lessons learned very much worth the risk.
I understand dear,but all of life’s little lessons do not have to be painful… even when they seem so at the time. Nothing is worth closing your heart. Nothing is worth living in a world of fearing what bad ‘may’ come to you,Without trust, you close your heart to the happiness and joy that true love brings. It’s a hard thing to do, a scary thing, but very much worth it. This is not to go without saying that some people may betray your trust… that’s the risk… but why allow past betrayals to prolong the pain by building a fortress around your heart that not only protects you from pain/betrayal, but also denies you the ability to experience happiness and joy? Most have been hurt enough by one person. why allow them and their actions to stop us from finding what we search for? I say open your heart to trust and bask in the beauty, happiness, and joy, of the true love that will follow. For everyone there IS a someone, you just can’t find them if you hide away all your life…
David Brown:
How are you doing today dear?
We are doing great dear,just being busy lately dear
Trying to sell some of my stuff here babe,so that i can return back to your country to see you dear
babe,just waking up and you are the first thing that came through my heart babe..Because i think about you all night babe
i just hope that you are feeling the way as i’m feeling for you babe
You make my heart so melt babe..
You are the best thing that have ever happen to me babe..
I have being busy darling…I have already sold my house and trucks babe
Honey i’m still in the US,and i have also gotten my late father Inheritance dear,so i have alot of fund to start a life with you babe..I just need someone who is honest and sincere to receive the money there for me..Since i don’t have an exiting account there with you dear..
Honey it does not matter if it an America bank or not babe..I just need an honest person that can receive the fund for me there in your country babe
You are the only person that i can trust since you and i are willing to spend the rest of our life together dear
I believe that you cannot hurt me or steal my money babe
i can trust you my sweetheart
Okay babe,so tell me my love…Would help me and receive the money there,until i come to you and come spend my life with you babe
give me your bank info dear *(!)
*(!) In due course this will be phishing. The scammer is lying. He wants the victim to be mixed up. He wants her Bank details. He wants her money. He will do his best to turn the whole scene around and con her into doing what he wants.
*(!) Never send your personal details to anybody on the Internet!
David Brown:
Missing you babe
Honey i have talk to your bank babe and i was told that i can transfer the money into your bank ccount bbe
Yeah babe..
I’m trying to transfer the money into your account before i can leave here and start coming to you babe..
Honey i’m looking after the Easter break babe..
Babe i just can’t wait to be there with you and make you so happy babe
Honey my son his doing good babe and guess what my love
I have told him about you dear and he can’t wait to met with you dear
babe,my bank is going to contact you as the beneficiary that is receiving the funds babe..
Yeah babe,my bank is going to contact you babe..Because you are the one receiving the money babe
Honey the bank have to contact the account owner for verification and also to get more information from you babe.. *(!)
Good babe,because they can’t just transfer such account of money to someone account without confirming with the account owner bbe..
What is your email address *(!) so that i can send it to the bank babe
What about your phone number *(!) babe
*(!) Never send your personal details to anybody on the Internet!
David Brown:
need you babe and i promise you that i’m going to be there after the Easter break when the bank open babe
i’m giving you my word babe
I love you so much babe,i just want you to receive the funds and i’m right there babe
Have you receive any email from the bank here babe?
What did they say babe
See Massage N 1 below in the section :”Messages in a mail box”
Google Hangout:
David Brown:
Okay babe,i want to reply them with the information needed babe,so that they can produce my love and i can start coming to you babe..
Ohh babe,i wish i’m right there kissing every inches of your body babe
Honey my night was lonely babe..I can’t wait to be with you my love…
Honey i have shipped all my stuff today babe..The cargo will leave by tomorrow babe..I can’t wait to live here and come to you babe..I have my ticket already babe
It will be Friday babe..That is why i want the bank to transfer the fund to your bank and i will start coming babe…
But i don’t have any money with me anymore babe
I don’t have anymore access to the fund babe,until you have it there in your account babe
I have already paid for my hotel and food babe..
Yeah babe,you are going to come pick me at the airport babe
Have you heard from the bank today babe?
See Massage N 2 below in the section :”Messages in a mail box”
Google Hangout:
David Brown:
Honey i have read it babe
you should know that this is going to come up babe,because the total money that need to be transfer to you is much babe..I guess that should not delay my coming to you babe…
i promise you that when the money get to you babe..You are going to take it back my love
Honey why are making me upset babe..You should know that you are going to get it back babe
that is why we need to get this fund across babe,so that the fund can be transfer to you babe..I don’t want to stay here my love,i need to be with you babe
Honey i give you my word that you are going to get it back my love..I will never let you down that i promise you babe..Let just get this done and i promise you that the fund will be transfer to you babe
Pls my love,i’m counting on you and don;’t me and my son down babe
Honey pls don’t sat this babe,you are hurting me babe,i have never being so honest as i am with you babe
Honey you know we have a life together babe..I love you and i will never lie to you babe
Honey are you saying that you are going to leave me at this point after given me my word that you are going to be there for me babe
Honey i love you and i want to be there with you babe
Honey i’m different babe,how would you want me to come without having this fund transfer babe..I’m someone that don’t depend on people babe..I will never hurt or cheat on you babe..You are now part of me now babe..I truly love you so much babe
Honey there is no other solution at now babe,because the money is already in Escrow call account and i can’t withdraw anything until the fund is being transfer babe…I have $300 left with me for food for me and my son until the fund is transfer and i can start coming to you babe..pls just tell me how much your can also assist and let get this done babe..Don’t you want me to be there by weekend babe
Honey don’;t you get it babe,i cannot depend on you babe and beside there is no way i can carry the money there to me babe…Pls if you can send the 100 euro and i can ask for help here and complete it babe..I want this fund to be transfer to you before i can start coming to you babe
pls try and understand babe
pls my love,don’t let me down babe
I love you and i really want to be with you babe
Messages on a mail box:
Message N 1:
From: James Powell To: XXXX Date: XX April 2018 Subject: GOOD DAY
Good day Mrs (name removed),
My name is Mr James Powell from Chase Bank the accounting officer in control of the 5 million USD,That Mr David Brown want you to be the beneficiary in receiving this funds in (location removed). I have just been hereby instructed by Mr David Brown instructing me to make you the sole benefiary of the sum of 5 million usd in position of our reputable bank here in the US.
This message is to here by inform you that you are now beneficiary to this funds of 5million usd in our bank here in the US.You are here inform that you should provide the nessary information for us to produced with the transfer into your bank account there in (location removed),and also for us to provide the nessary document and for you to be able to give full access and control to this funds when it gets to your recieveing bank this informations are required
NOTE:This information requiered to give you total clearance on the funds.
We look forward to hearing from you with immediate responds thank you for your co-operation
James Powel
*(!) Never send your personal details to anybody on the Internet!
Message N 2:
From: James Powell To: XXXX Date: XX April 2018 Subject: Re: GOOD DAY
ADDRESS:402 N Tejon St
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Driving directions
TELL: +1 (720)538-3982
Hello Mrs (name removed)
Got your email and the information you provided,the Remmitances department of Chase Bank has open an online account in your name and we would forward details to you as soon as possible, however the opening of a none Residencial domicilary account will cost you the sum of $750 United state dollars only.
This method is been confirmed as your funds need to be Transffer by a domicilary account with us and it will help commences to your prefferd Bank ING bank in Amsterdam without any Breach or contract of the law.
You are advice to Remmit the requierd fee of $750 United state dollars via the information Below
Sender Nmae:
Senders Adress:
MTCN Number:
Text Question and answer:
Reciver Name: Diane Singleton, (the money launderer)
Recivers Adress:13076 Wardline Rd Hammond, Louisiana..
As soon as the above details are confirmed transfer would commences immediately to your preffeard Bank (XXX bank IN (location removed)
this is the truse position of this and we advice your swift responces
James Powell
Please DO NOT tell the scammer he is posted here!