Scampolice Group warns you:
If you see texts we publish on the site, or parts of them in messages, then you are dealing with a scammer, probably from West Africa or Malaysia, but may be from other countries as well. Scammers use cut and pasted text because they are usually almost illiterate, uneducated, and have little English, or because it is easier to do it when dealing with hundreds of potential victims a day. Note: scammers hardly ever address you by name and this is because it makes it unnecessary to edit messages with names in them. They will call you “Honey”, “Baby”, “my Queen”, “Angel”, etc.
90% of our informants and contacts are ladies. While we do have a few “chaps” they usually come because a family member is being scammed, or because they got sucked into financial and investment scams. It is an unfortunate fact. This is why most fake profiles we publish are male.
Never tell a scammer how you caught him (!) Never tell him about his message text and never correct his mistakes. We like our scammers to continue to be uneducated and stupid. Remember when a message suggests you send money, you are talking to a scammer and whatever the excuse he gives you, send nothing and leave without a word.
*Even if you think you are dealing with a woman be assured it is a boy in an internet cafe.
Be careful with the people, who suddenly contact you on SKYPE, KIK, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, and other messenger apps. There are NO SOLDIERS, GENERALS, SERGEANTS or OFFICERS, DOCTORS, SURGEONS, using messengers who will offer you romance, especially if they claim to be in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria,West Africa, Pakistan etc. This information also applies to Social Media profiles and Dating sites.
If people you do not know suddenly arrive on WhatsApp or Hangouts, and Instagram and Kik you can be absolutely sure they are scammers.
Orthopaedic surgeons, surgeons, doctors are not in Yemen, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon etc and playing online game apps. They are liars. They will try to get you off a sites’s safety and onto other apps like WhatsApp and Hangouts to isolate you and steal money. There are no such things as fees to be paid for leave, and Vacation Certificates do not exist. Do not send money.
They are not sending parcels that require fees to be paid at some stage. It is a scam so send no money.
The FBI, Interpol, Banks, and United Nations do not have funds to send you, and neither are the heads of these organisations writing to tell you they do. If you ever see countries in Africa, or Malaysia, and Turkey mentioned, then you need to depart rapidly.
DIPLOMATS only work for Governments. They do not act as private couriers for anyone,including YOU. If you see Diplomats mentioned at all it is a scam. Those parcel deliveries and flashy courier forms are fake too.
BARRISTERS work in Courts and are never writing to you about Inheritances and all that sort of stuff , and if you see large amounts of money mentioned at any time then be 100% sure it’s a scam.
Here are some links to search
Just because the name is correct don’t assume the person is real.
Take notice:
Leave requests are fake.
ID Cards and forms supposedly sent by military personnel, either online or by email, are FAKE. It is against military law for a person to make a copy of their official identity documents. They would be court martialed.
US military OLD email format is …..
- (army)
- (marines)
NEW FORMAT for service personnel and contractors is– Name
All have a ( .mil ) extension.
Anything else is a scam.
Government Departments DO NOT USE WESTERN UNION/MoneyGram, or similar transfers.
A little bit more
WE NEVER CONTACT THE VICTIMS WHO HAD THEIR PHOTOS STOLEN AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU. We do not know their personal circumstances and they may have a less understanding partner, and they probably know. We don’t know if they are sick of people sending messages telling them about it, and from women who are accusing them of scamming. Some women are so misled they are stalking them, and think the person will fall in love instantly and be the same as the scammer seemed to be. They may get a torrent of abuse from their “hero” which will do them more harm.
Scammers will often use an interactive video based on webcam chats with previous victims or stolen off porn model websites etc. This video will be able to show the scammer doing obvious actions if they are asked. Most often the scammer will know the video well and so at the right moment be able to tell victim something such as “Hang on the phone rang” and he will then be seen leaving to answer the phone. Often the videos are fairly repetitive and loop back, and of course the scammer won’t be able to show himself doing things a victim might ask him to do (wave his hand, give a wink etc…) They also have another way by claiming the microphone doesn’t work which means you can only type and watch, and should they think you ask too much they will switch it off after a few seconds.
Beware of so called webcam that does not look like the person they claim to be and be aware that seeing somthing over a supposed webcam is not proof any more than stolen pictures are.
Scammers will also find a potential victim on a site and try to get them isolated, “Now I have found you please remove your profile”. If the victim complies they are now off site security and while the scammer may claim to have removed himself too, all they will do is block the victim, and use a different profile to carry on scamming others or similar.
In African and some other countries you can get money transferred with having only the MTCN number. Name and address doesn’t matter, for example: if the money was sent to “Mr. Bryan Daniel” to UK, the money can be given to any person in Nigeria/Ghana/ Senegal who has the MTCN for the transfer …
Another variant: the money launderer lives in a foreign country, banks the money, extracts a percentage and sends the balance on to the scammer.
If you wish to contact Scampolice Group please use the secure contact page
Please also bear in mind information from United Nations.
This also applies to so called UN marriage forms and bogus lawyers supposedly using free emailers such as gmail. The UN does not do weddings or involve themselves in personal matters, and charge money for it. Even such a matter being mentioned is a 100% scam, (and neither does the Military.) Also The United Nations DO NOT have a Vacation Department and charge fees for insurance and flights etc. If you see this you can also be sure it is a scam. Bear in mind that any email they use would be something like “” and they DO NOT use free emailers like “@gmail” or “”.
We also see many reports of scammers claiming to be Orthopaedic Surgeons in Yemen. There are none. There is one UN clinic in Yemen. See the screenshot below for the details. Any thing else or any other person is FAKE.
As a final word, watch out for RECOVERY SCAMS.
We have told you what we know and you have refused to be involved with the scammer any longer. Then along comes someone who says they know you lost money, (for sme reason such as being in the Police or Interpol they know) and tell you they can recover the money lost. However it is probably the same scammer. You may be asked for money to finance an investigation into the crime. Police do not charge to investigate crimes-it is their job.
Needless to say any such idea is a scam and involves you in another scheme to get money off you. DO NOT SEND MONEY
Hangouts is not more secure than Facebook or the website you happen to find them on. In fact the scammer wants to get you off site safety and isolated and will suggest you do so with WhatsApp, Hangouts etc. That puts you directly into danger and they can work on you completely unrestricted by anyone.
For Russian visitors:
(one of the most scammed groups in the world)
Милые ДАМЫ!
ЗАПОМНИТЕ: на социальных и сайтах знакомств НЕТ И НЕ МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ (!) генералов, полковников, сержантов … и т.д. из США, Канады, Германии и других европейских стран, ищющих контакатов с женщинами!
Если вы видите профайл военного в форме из какого-либо иностранного государства, ищущего контакта с вами – это 100% СКАММЕР (мошенник)!
В СКАЙПЕ, Google Hangout, WhatsApp, Viber, KIK и других видов мессенджеров также нет военных иностранных государств, уверяющих, что базируются в Сирии. Афганистане, Ливии etc и ищущих контактов с женщинами… Наивно думать, что офицеры имеют время и техническую возможность охотиться на женщин в Интернете, зависая в том же Скайпе целый день.
– иностранным «ИНЖЕНЕРАМ», работающим по контракту на нефтяных платформах или в странах Африки, а также в Малайзии;
– иностранным «МОРЯКАМ», находящимся на судне в море;
– иностранным «ДОКТОРАМ», работающим по контракту в Сирии, Ливии. Афганистане…
Скаммеры начинают говорит о любви к вам почти мгновенно в первом же чате. Обещают к вам приехать и жениться на вас. Просят вас удалить ваши профайлы с сайтов знакомств, поскольку якобы боятся потерять вас (“не хочу, чтобы какой-нибудь другой мужчина украл тебя у меня”).
Схемы мошенничества используются разные, но надо запомнить:
– WESTERN UNION / MONEY GRAM / RIA банковские переводы людям из Интернета это всегда SCAM (МОШЕННИЧЕСТВО!)
Вы не заметите, как вас обманут и вы потеряете свои деньги!
– НЕ ДЕЛИТЕСЬ С ЛЮДЬМИ ИЗ ИНТЕРНЕТА ЧАСТНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИЕЙ (номер телефона, адрес, не высылайте копии ваших документов)
– НЕ открывайте свою вэбкамеру для людей, которые отказываются под каким-либо предлогом открыть для вас свою.
Имейте в виду, что скаммеры часто используют ИНТЕРАКТИВНОЕ ВИДЕО для демонстрации потенциальной жертве, с целью убедить её, что она действительно видит своего собеседника (скаммера) в видео чате. На самом деле, скаммер демонстрирует вам короткую ЗАПИСЬ с видеокамеры другого человека. Обычно это очень короткое видео (1-2 мин), с повторяющимися движениями человека на записи. Если вы его попросите, к примеру, улыбнуться или помахать рукой – он не сможет этого сделать, так как вам демонстрируется именно ЗАПИСЬ. Но обычно скаммеры заранее предупреждают перед демонстрацией такого видео, что не могут по каким-либо причинам использовать голосовой чат в данный момент. Это делается с целью предотвратить ваши просьбы помахать вам рукой, подмигнуть etc..
– НЕ поддавайтесь на попытки кого бы то ни было склонить вас к виртуальной интимной близости во время видео чата. Не высылайте свои интимные фото людям из Интернета. Вы можете попасться в сети ШАНТАЖИСТА!
– НЕ говорите скаммеру, что вы догадались, что он мошенник. Заблокируйте его и не вступайте с ним далее в контакт.
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i am now talking to Mason Walters on the Zoosk website. I am trying like you said not to let him know anything is wrong he still thinks everything is ok. would you let me know what he would want from me, this whole thing is mind blowing. Thank you this site.
He wants your money so send nothing