Please read our advice page here:
Fast and furious, and we are bit short of information so we get that down and also their pictures if we can. We don’t want them to miss out on our treats. We are nice like that. Hopefully life is a little harder for them and it will help save you wasting money sending it to Nigeria or Ghana.
He has over 10 SCAM profiles on Facebook
Paul John LaCamera
Paul F Lacamera
Paul Lacamera
Pauljones Lacamera (Yes he is DUMB.)
Paujones Lacamerapaul (and DUMBER)
Iraq: Kabul, Afghanistan: Kuwait: Syria, London, Chicago, New York
Stolen Identity of US Army Major General Paul LaCamera
To: xxxxx
Subject: RE: Hello dear xxxxxx
Hello dear xxxxx,
Message 2
Subject: RE: Dear xxxxx,
Dear xxxxx,
From Russian Site VK in Russian
Я генерал-майор Павел LaCamera, я Соединенные Штаты армейского пехотного офицера и я нынешний командующий 4-й пехотной дивизии, я-командиром, ведущей борьбу против террористической группировки “исламским государством” в Ираке, но я подам в отставку из армии через два месяца, я жду Единый государственный правительство под руководством Барака Обама 44-й президент США в штамп утверждения моей отставки них я буду жить Ираке для лучшей жизни, я разведена. моя бывшая жена предала, как я люблю ее, переспав с мужчиной, когда я был в Ираке и теперь она тоже живет с мужчиной в Чикаго , я просто хочу начать новую жизнь с дамой, что я могу доверять,
У меня есть три дома, один в Чикаго, а другой в Нью-Йорке, дом в Чикаго была принята моя бывшая жена и один в Нью-Йорке я живу в, у меня также есть дом в Лондоне,
Мое намерение состоит в том, чтобы переехать в другую страну после выхода на пенсию в течение двух месяцев, я не хочу жить в США снова потому что все, что моя бывшая жена сделала против меня, я купить дом в Лондоне, надеясь после выхода на пенсию я пойду туда и провести всю оставшуюся жизнь или, если возможно, я нахожу очень хорошей женщине, которая ухаживает я могу переехать с ней в свою страну,
Google translate.
I have three houses, one in Chicago and one in New York, the house in Chicago was adopted my ex-wife and one in New York, I live in, I also have a house in London,My intention is to move to another country after retirement for two months, I do not want to live in the US again because all that my ex-wife made against me, I buy a house in London, hoping to retirement I will go there and spend the rest of their lives or, if possible, I find a very good woman, who cares, I can move it to your home country,I am a very happy person, very cheerful, full of life and energy. I consider myself a sincere, loyal, honest, very sensitive, emotional and truthful. creative, intelligent, positive, I am currently looking for a woman, I can not love, and therefore have a good family someday. I’m looking for a serious long-term relationship,
Chino Hills, California
Phone. 00 22 307 32 22
Howard Matthew Jerome
00 22 307 32 22
ANNA BARBARA KANIA Warsaw Poland to send TO by WU
ADMIN. Do you have a picture of him and did he ask for money? Informant. but with money it is not clear
he wanted, but when I said that I have not, he said that is not a problem
I have one more guy
this one is diplomat
he was calling to me, as he has something for me from howard
they wanted I send money by Western Union on address ‘
General in Afghanistan
We educated the victim and the scammer got nothing. Never send money to strangers for any reason. See our Advice page about fake diplomats.
If he doesn’t know we sure as hell don’t know either.
We had a query off a potential victim who actually sent no money. This scammer is just plain stupid and almost illiterate. We used our tracker page to find another disguise he uses.
He sent her this photo
Email address.
From his potential victim.
His name is allegedly John Marrow.He wrote that a U.S. army soldier that serves under contract the contract he has 4 years,3 years he served in Syria,and 1 year left only to serve in Nigeria he he writes that his father no,he died in a car accident,the mother sick with cancer He wrote that he wants to fly to me XXXX To see me But,I supposedly have to pay for his vacation 800$ and plus a plane ticket 1500$ I said that I have no money he began to write,and tearfully beg,to ask to take a loan or sell something.wrote to me as soon as he leaves the camp of his card becomes active and it will return me double the amount
Potential Victim
September 27, 2015 he ended the contract and he was to fly home 3 days didn’t write to me well I thought all flying home and here the such writes
Scammer -I AM IN MY BIGGEST ISSUES THAT WHY I HAD NO COURAGE TO COME HERE HONEY….. AM VERY SORRY How Have you been and how is your family am such a disappointment that why i had to not come here….. But i missed you So much My Wife… Had to come check on you My love….. I MISS U (REMOVED NAME) I ask what happened Hmmmm I AM SO SAD
Victim– I’m writing him Why should you pay for the ticket you yourself wrote as you leave camp,your card will be activated
Baby i left camp, and i reach the EMBASSY….. can you believe i was told to pay for the ticket….. I dont even have a mobile phone of my own….. AM just here So hurt in mind i wanted to go back to camp But i know it will be for no good….. I could not dis close My identity So o an here like a…. PHILIPPINE in search of work i did not want to tell you case is really humiliating to me 16.10.15 The asked for My ID i went on to explain So much and Finally i was give a work….. AM so downcast i need 1500$ for My ticket….. AM work towards it
Is all gonna be good am paid in Naira here i work as a computer machandice here…. I supply for the needed the only Good about this is that am give a room THIS COUNTRY IS THE WORST SAYING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD….. I WAS TRICKED THE BASTARD CAPTAIN ASSURED ME IT WORLD BE…. If i go back to that camp i will have to work for My 1500$ and eat carp So is better i work here in DISGUISE….. I feed well in Chinese resturants
Why is he paid in the currency of Nigeria? He is a Nigerian scammer of course.
Remember the US Military get paid in dollars to a bank account and have access to money and they do not have to eat out or pay for travel.
In 3minths i will be out of here i earn 50,000 Naira there currency, minus My feeding i would leave soonest…. But that is My worst fear….. AM worning not as a military But some stupid work like in the same sign room where i dont even relate much with the workers….. Most of them are married men and woman 16.10.15 I was the last to leave the camp…. I AM SO EMBARRASSED WHAT MORE CAN I SAY…. NOW I WORLD SO HAD IN THIS HAD PLEASE BUT IS ALWAYS COOK IN MY OFFICE AND IS MY BEST THE DIRECTOR KINDA LIKE ME…..
The scammer tries to get money again.
I have been Ashamed to come to you Honey am such a disappointment we should be together now….. But i have just been Scammed and i have to stay here for 3months…..hmmmm i wanna ask u baby please can you come here…. Is not So much cost from XXXX to Nigeria….. Unless Nigeria to Use My home country….. SO Honey can u
Because if i work for 3months with My salary i will get the 1500$ That is i have to feed very little case they money is not So much But am in a grantee that after 3minths i will be increase in salary which will complete My flight money and i leave left this place for good What is the nature of your job baby
Victim. And supposedly on December 15,he had to fly home.
8th-12th December, again nothing wrote again probably another story writes I thought
baby i am am SORRY
12.12.15 i have not been here is been bad for me here sweetie my birthday was good too bad for me i could not come here to tell you what happened because of the Money i was robbed by pocket pickers it was my wallet,all my two ID gone cards is been really unfortunate for me what i did more was just smoke i did celebrate in my worI CAN NOT EVEN SAY WORDS HERE BABY
12.12.1530,000 naira was stolen from me baby that was the amount in my wallet baby my two ID cards gonek place with the help of my colleges
I CAN NOT EVEN SAY WORDS HERE BABY 12.12.15 30,000 naira was stolen from me baby that was the amount in my wallet baby my two ID cards gone
Victim. I asked him you contacted the police Department about the fact that you have lost your ID
my boss already did that this morning 12.12.15 so he said he was gonna help me on my INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT and then get another ID car
Scammer Profile using the same stolen photo.
- Username. Woodjames
- Sexuality Male seeking Female
- Age 45
- Country USA
- Town Austin, Texas
Needing air fares and robberies are very usual scammer sob stories. In this case the scammer got nothing
Email address.
Phone number… 00412348069346399
From our mailbox. We did check to see what we found but only got his Yahoo avatar to guide us. The email address leads us nowhere so we use the name Hobbs Carver to search with. We find he uses a very similar photo on Facebook.
Well, I’m writing to you because I’m almost sure I’ve been talking with a scammer online. I talked with him for about 2 months before I started to be suspicious. He never told me he was a military, just said he was with his unit in the Middle East. One day he sent me a photo of him skyping with his little daughter and he was wearing a uniform, but the name didn’t show. The red flags started to appear when he gave me the ‘cheating-wife-who-abandoned-the-kid’ story. And then he told me that the kid was living with the nanny. Which makes me wonder…can’t those guys make up better stories? Or at least new ones? Well, anyway, his English sounds very good, in his emails and also in a voice note he sent me. So the doubt remained in my head. Till he started to say he loved me and things like he wanted to spend the rest of his days with me and then I decided to search for sentences he wrote and I found them online. There was one time I could find half an email from him that had been copied
and pasted from other sites. There’s even a part in a book that was written by a woman who was scammed. But he never asked me for anything and I could never find his name or pictures online, then I kept him talking to see if he would ask me for something and then I would report. He is a good one, since he seems to be so careful. I am not sure what to do next. We were not friends on facebook or skype, but I found him and blocked him anyway. He only contacted me by email and one or 2 times by yahoo messenger. I blocked him everywhere. Is that what I was really supposed to do?
By the way, he found me at
He has my phone number and called 2 times, but I never answered.
The number he called from is: 00412348069346399
His name is Hobbs Carver and his email is:
I’m happy you are there, guys. Please tell me what to do.
Thank you in advance.