We welcome comments but it has become a bit disorganised in time and hard to follow. They have been scattered around all over the place.

Here is a page where you can add your comments all in one place and not have to click and click everywhere or struggle down long lists.

This is where you can expose more scammers.  Your own words are acceptable but we will improve them if it is needed.



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9 Comments on "COMMENTS PAGE"

  1. Been writing to a man named William Shawn on Google chat. Claims to be presently on an oil rig offshore. widower with 2 kids Had some suspicions but today when he asked me to contact the Zac International Bank as there was a payment coming there and I needed to claim it and hold it for him until he completes his contract– all sorts of red flags went up. He’s very insistent that this is legit and I can claim the money and hold for him. Otherwise huge fees will ‘eat up the money” Obviously, I found this site and did a reverse photo search and found photos he sent me on this site under the name Justin Muller/Kenny Justin. They’re all there, every photo he sent me. So obviously a scammer. Uses the email address He has excellent english and grammar and was very very nice to talk to.

    • We cannot do a lot with the information if he is only using Google. However, we can collect the email address for our little collection.Why would a stranger trust a stranger with money? Why would you send money to someone you don’t know? Mention of oil rig is itself a red flag with the industry being wound down as there is a big switch to sustainable energy. Scammers may sound nice but they are seasoned, nasty criminals, murderers and gangsters.

  2. I was added by someone on Facebook named King Thomas. Asking me about my love life and my personal life, etc. I had a feeling things were fishy given the pictures and the birthdate and that they were supposedly divorced. Things weren’t adding up. I reverse image searched multiple photos and saw that it was apart of a scam.

    He asked me to add him on google chat. I had no clue what google chat even was but it was free and I kept playing along with this guy to figure out what it was he wanted. The email he gave me to add him was

    Not much else has happened other than me knowing that things were very much copy and paste responses. Just beware. Many aliases for these specific photos.

  3. The man you have as Paul Garcia is now Micheal on FB singles.

    • They lose and add profiles at will, with a never ending list of pictures and names. The one way to deal with it is just to use a simple rule-NEVER EVER SEND MONEY TO STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET, WHATEVER THE EXCUSE IS.

  4. I have been talking to this guy named Jason Morgan ! He has the same pictures as Leonardo Matteo,! Could Jason be the real person in the pictures? I have seen where the pictures had been stolen! There have been many others using the pictures besides Leonardo Matteo ! Jason Morgan seems real he has a Son Terry that has also been talking with me ! Please send me any information you can find asap please! It is very important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. How can I find out who the real man is that scammers stoled his pictures and was using the names Jason Morgan and Leonardo Matteo ? Please I would really love some information on him ! Thank you in advance

Don't worry. We don't bite.