We welcome comments but it has become a bit disorganised in time and hard to follow. They have been scattered around all over the place.
Here is a page where you can add your comments all in one place and not have to click and click everywhere or struggle down long lists.
This is where you can expose more scammers. Your own words are acceptable but we will improve them if it is needed.
Me esta pasando algo así pero yo si caí asta que me puse investigar en esta página pero fue demasiado tarde no se que tan confiable es esta página yo sigo chateando con esa persona que se hace pasar por un sargento
Google translate.
Something like this is happening to me but I did fall until I started investigating on this page but it was too late I don’t know how reliable this page is, I keep chatting with that person who pretends to be a sergeant
I can assure you we are 100% accurate. If it is on our pages then you can be sure it is someone using stolen pictures and making wild claims. Money requests are always a scam. No need to waste your time chatting to the scammer.Don’t tell him what you know or how you found him here, just vanish and block.
Eric lorenzo claimed to be architect living in florida in turkey working smooth operator now thT i know
Turkey is full of scammers
He’s going by “Kelvin Ryg” this time. He told my elderly aunt that he was being held by Drug Enforcement in Turkey after being set up by an acquaintance. He was there on a peace mission. His claim is that the DE was working with him, but he needed to pay them in order to leave. Apparently he’s a 4-Star general and was planning on marrying her after this. Needless to say, this was a scam. Something I found very odd, was that he FaceTimed her on multiple occasions and it’s the actual person in the photos. This leads me to believe that this man is either working with a group of scammers or is working alone. His newest facebooks are: https://www.facebook.com/mhix.ogechi and https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100060869719377, I am unsure as to which he contacted my aunt on, but he met her through that site.
Digital videos are a series of still pictures with a frame rate of around 14 frames a second to give the smooth illusion of movement due to persistence of vision. Each frame can be modified like a photo. It is straightforward to photoshop and alter such videos and play them to the victim. There is software available on line to do just that The soldier the pictures were stolen from is not a general and the soldier is not scamming anyone. Everything seen is entirely faked. All of this is just another stupid and unbelievable scammer story.
I have been chatting with a person claiming to be a LtCol stationed in Kabul Afghanistan . He says he loves me wants me to be his wife . I’ve caught him in several lies but he always turns it around on me. I’m distrustful and don’t love him etc etc. Now he wants me to pay a delivery service to send his personal property home . He sounded so real . Not knowing much about the military he’s taken some money from me until I came across this site .
He says he’s a widower of 3 years and very lonely. Insisted on hangouts to chat . donaldmissick63@gmail.com
Has sent realistic pictures of himself and other officers .Even had someone email me claiming to be his friend that is a UN doctor on special assignment .
He is a scammer It is a parcel delivery scam. Never ever send mpney to people on internet.
Someone by name Christian McGill that I was stop talking to because he ask me to borrow money n send to him because he was having problem with his coworkers n that he would pay me the $1000.00 when the company he works for got back to him I told him no I didn’t have that kind of money n he said I didn’t care about him because if I did I would help him that he would pay me back I stop talking him about a month ago cause never back to me . I met him on FB dating website in January
So today I saw him on my FB dating website profile saying he like me n he had another name Allan or Allen n different profile I find him on list is there a chance you can find I don’t want him scamming someone else please I have pictures of him but don’t know how to send
Did you send info on Facebook? To be honest, some of our posts are sufficient warning and we tend not to add increasing lists of individual profiles. These profiles are very often disposable and vanish almost as soon as they arrive. Just hit the Facebook report button and help get rid of them. We do like lots of info that goes with the scammer so don’t be discouraged. Anyone can read the comments page, and putting it here is your way of warning others.