We welcome comments but it has become a bit disorganised in time and hard to follow. They have been scattered around all over the place.
Here is a page where you can add your comments all in one place and not have to click and click everywhere or struggle down long lists.
This is where you can expose more scammers. Your own words are acceptable but we will improve them if it is needed.
I Was scammed
called himself Isaac Williams I like to know if you have any information on him it’s so me I see it
Not if we don’t know anything about it. Just follow our advice and never send money to internet strangers.
Yesterday 17 / 12 / 2021. I got a messege at Facebook. That she want a trusted person . Then she come on WhatsApp.
She told me that she works as a chartered account at Standard Chartered Bank USA.
She told me that a man from your country had fifty million dollars in her bank.The man named Nadeem Rathore died in 2010.And no one knows his money.
And she wants to take out the money with my help and divide it in half.
She did not know that I had information about this scam. They ask to diposit 70’000$ in lawyer account named lucky Ismail Deniz .
I told them two days of Bank holidays and asked them to deposit the money on Monday..I search lucky Ismail Deniz on google and I saw scam stories in this page . Wow that’s great.
This is a great and informative page.
Many people will be guided by it. Thank to everyone.
Thank you so much Brother Abrar. Glad it helped you and now helps others. What phone number was used?
Witam. Jestem z Polski .Od ok 2 tygodni pisze do mnie osoba poznana na tinderze o nicku Luc z zdjęciem Chadwicka Ryga w zielonej koszulce. przedstawia się Lukas Thomas. Podaje się za inżyniera morskiego pływającego na statku na morzu Lakkadiwskim. Bezdzietny wdowiec któremu 3 lata temu umarła żona na raka. Jedynak.
Używa e-maila Lukasthomas2025@gmail.com . Pisałam z Nim i w każdym z listów opowiadał swoją smutną historię . Z czasem jego wiadomości były coraz bardziej miłosne. W końcu poprosił o skype. i tam zadał mi pytanie … czy brałam kiedykolwiek narkotyki. To dało mi do myslenia i zaczełam przeszukiwać internet poprzez zdjęcia które mi przesłał . Dzięki Bogu trafiłam na Waszą stronę i dowiedziałam się o oszustwach Nigeryjskich. Usunełam i zgłosiłam go na tinderze i skype ani słowem nie wspominając mu o tym ze czegokolwiek się domyśliłam. Jeszcze wysyła na e-maila . Nie reaguje .Mam nadzieję że z czasem się odczepi.
Google translated
Hello. I am from Poland. For about 2 weeks, a person I met on tinder, nickname Luc with a photo of Chadwick Riga in a green T-shirt, has been writing to me. introduces himself Lukas Thomas. Claims to be a marine engineer on a ship in the Laccadive Sea. A childless widower whose wife died of cancer 3 years ago. Only one.
He uses the Lukasthomas2025@gmail.com email. I wrote with him and he told his sad story in each of his letters. Over time, his messages became more and more amorous. Finally he asked for skype. and there he asked me … have I ever taken drugs. It got me thinking, and I started searching the internet for the photos he sent me. Thank God I found your website and found out about Nigerian scams. I removed him and reported him on tinder and skype without telling him anything about it. Still sending to e-mail. He doesn’t react. I hope he will detach himself with time.
We are glad you were warned, and we collected the email address for our files
Well I chatted with Garcia Henry on messenger/ Facebook app. He asked to marry him. Said he was 62 years old. Said he was based here in the United States. I told that was nice. Then he told me he was stationed in Nigeria just for a short time. He said his wife cheated on him. Hence his divorce. He said that he just needed one woman. Because I told him he was very handsome.i was sure he had his pick of women. He said he was 62 years old. I said I thought he was 46. He kept asking if he really looked 46. I’ve got screenshot of his FB account. It’s under Garcia Henry says he moved to New York Florida January 14
Inspector Martin. I’ve sent you some information and screenshots of I’m assuming Sergeant Henry Garcia’s scammer still making accounts. Also he block me on messenger app and Facebook . I didn’t mention nothing or I didn’t let on about nothing. Needless to say this case has kept me so alert and hopeful that maybe I can make a difference here. I sent another screenshot of his apparently a new Facebook account. I hope my information helps you stop this scammer. God bless. You have my email address if you have any questions I’m here to help and hopefully end Sergeant Garcia dilemma.
I think this is being dealt with by Admin