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419 Scam
Romance Scam
Evelyne Thomas/Evelyne Thoms
Papillon Bleu
Amour Sincere
(Сote d’Ivoire)
Skype ID: evelyne.thoms52 (Amore Sincere)
Since a few days i am chatting with a French speaking lady who claims to be from Corsica. I have my doubts about it, because after a few days she is asking for money via Western Union:
Name: Evelyn Thomas
Country: Ivory Coast (Сote d’Ivoire)
City: Abidjan
Postal Code: 00225
Street: Pierre and Marie Curie
Here is her e-mail address:
Skype account: evelyne.thoms52
If have ‘photos’ and a copy of a identity card witch she claims is here, it is however expired since 01/2017.
Here are attachments sent to the Informant and forwarded to us:
Skype Profile: 
ID Card:
Photo of a model and porn actress Alison Angel (born Christie Caudill)
Photo of a model and porn actress Alison Angel (born Christie Caudill)
Unfortunately we have no more information from our Informant. So one of our helpers got involved with the scammers and we have a short chat:
Skype ID: evelyne.thoms52 (Amour Sincere)
Skype name: evelyne.thoms52
Fill name: Amour Sincere
Location: BASTIA, Moltifao, CORSE, France
About me: Je recherche une vie de couple (I’m looking for a life partner)
Date of birth: October 10, 1980
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Language: French
Skype Chat with evelyne.thoms52 (Amour Sincere):
Amour Sincere >> helper :
Amour Sincere:
Hi Hello
Ah good but we can get acquainted
It’s no problem for me
My name is Evelyne Thoms and you?
I am from France and you?
So your native language is French, isn’t it?
Amour Sincere:
Yes these well that
Are you using a translator or you speak English as well?
Amour Sincere:
Yes I translate Because I’m not good enough in English
I am a painter. I paint decorative paintings. My job is painting
I am separate
No children yet
Can you put the webcam
Tell me Esquon can see himself at the camera????
Yes I want to see you because it would make me happy I like to see who I speak
I was delighted to talk to you I hope we will have time to continue
I wish you a good evening
Thank you kiss good thing
Here’s a picture of me:
Photo of a model and porn actress Alison Angel (born Christie Caudill)
Fake Profile of the same scammer:
papillon bleu (with
Work history:
dirigeante at orphelina (Head of an orphanage)
Education: Corse University, 1990
Photo of a model and porn actress Alison Angel (born Christie Caudill)
Fake scammer Profile with the same picture:
Anna Jonne
The scammer used pictures of 4 different persons:
Photo of Sophie Brussaux (is a former porn star)
Photo of a model and porn actress Alison Angel (born Christie Caudill)
Comment N 1:
Original text (in French)
anna jonne
14 Nov 2016
bonjours je me prénomme anna je suis novice sur le net jais 30 ans célibataire sans enfant j’aimerais avoir des amis pour fait plus ample connaissance voila mon adresse gmail ajoute moi si vous être intéresse
Google Translator:
anna jonne:
14 Nov 2016
hello I first name anna I am new on the net jet 30 single with no children I would like to have friends better acquainted here is my gmail address add me if you are interested
Comment N 2:
Original text (in French)
Google Translator:
anna jonne:
Hello, I register on this site to meet a man for a serious relationship based on trust, complicity and love. As for me I am dynamic, open, loving laugh, loyal, tender … but I will not tell you everything. Otherwise I like to go out and chat with friend (s), discover new things, practice sports and many other things that belong only to discover !!! I hope this awakening your curiosity sailing my gmail adds
Comment N 3:
Original text (in French)
anna jonne:
Google Translator:
anna jonne:
Fake scammer Profile with the name “Evelyne Thomas”:
Evelyne Thomas
The scammer used pictures of 2 different persons:
Photo of Amanda Elise Lee (Canadian personal trainer, model)
Please DO NOT tell the scammer he is posted here!